Life’s true beauty lies in the unpredictable dance of the zigzag

Welcome to the zig-zag of life with Tess, A podcast designed to give you a flash of inspiration and lift you out of survival mode and to reconnect to the awe, wonder, and mystery of this thing called life.
By listening to the anecdotes and stories of other people's colorful journeys on their way to success, you will come to realize that life is about the natural flow of the zig-zag path - it was never meant to be linear.
You're not always supposed to know where you're going and that's ok! It's part of the magic.
Listen to these inspiring stories and witness how that surge of energy hit our guests and aligned them with their passion and gave them the confidence to act on their dreams.
Take the next 30 minutes to shake off any heaviness and relax into the rhythm of the day.
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Life’s true beauty lies in the unpredictable dance of the zigzag
Life is not a linear path—it’s a mesmerizing dance of zigzags.
Experience the wisdom of Stacy Geisinger, the trailblazing influencer known as Stacy
Despite the many zigzags in this journey of life, there is one
Life’s true beauty lies in the unpredictable dance of the zigzag
Life is not a linear path—it’s a mesmerizing dance of zigzags.
Experience the wisdom of Stacy Geisinger, the trailblazing influencer known as Stacy
Our energy signature is what makes us unique and that is what
Despite the many zigzags in this journey of life, there is one
Healing from your past and limiting beliefs can take so much.
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Tap the Podcasts app icon, and after it opens, tap the Search field at the top, or the little magnifying glass icon in the lower right corner:
Type the name of the show you want to rate (e.g. The Zig-Zag of Life) into the search field, and press the Search button.
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Once you have that taken care of, proceed with the steps below:
Launch the iTunes program on your computer. The iTunes icon looks like this:
In the search field in the upper right corner of iTunes, type the name of the show you want to rate (e.g. The Zig-Zag of Life), and press Enter.
NOTE: You should make sure the Store tab is selected, and that you are searching for “Podcasts”
After searching, locate the show’s image under the word Podcasts and click on it.
On the next page, to the right of the show’s image, there are three tabs: Details, Ratings and Reviews, and Related. Click on Ratings and Reviews.
Click on the 5th star to the right. This is a 5-star rating. You did it!
You can then click the “Write a Review” button below the stars and write something nice about the show.
Help us reach more people by giving us a 5-star rating on Stitcher! Here’s how…
Launch Stitcher and go to
Scroll to the bottom of the page and click “Review This Show”
Click on the 5th star to the right. This is a 5-star rating. You did it!
You can then write something nice about the show and click “Post Review”.